Pocket Wallet Set (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Dominique Duvivier - Trick
$ 3,910.00
New tool, new performance, this portfolio is designed for your credit cards, your cash, credit card vouchers, etc ... will allow you crazy routines that you do not even suspect the possibilities in your wildest dreams.
It is supplied with a leather wallet looks in that you can use every day with or without magic.
A second identical but fake portfolio that allows to exchange all that you want. You can use one or the other or both every day.
A download will give several demonstrations and detailed explanations of several possibilities with this new "wallet" of a revolutionary design in its execution ...
The Pocket Wallet is used professionally by Dominique for many years.
You can with the "Pocket Wallet" do routines of his own cult, its $ 1 tickets including (publication "From Old to New", Volume 1).
There is in the design of the "Pocket Wallet" Machiavellian ideas of Dominique Duvivier, as you know it, but also by Michael Weber and Roger Klause.
This "Pocket Wallet" is the first of a series of "portfolios" to come.
What it is delivered with the "Pocket Wallet: - 2 leather portfolios (a fake and a normal) - A download with demonstrations + explanations + bonus with some other potential uses
EFFECT: You take a ticket of 20 €. The magician comes the contents of his portfolio: a € 50 note and a € 100. The wizard offers the viewer the following game: I'll take your ticket and my ticket 20 of 50 ... I will put these two tickets in your hand (20 and € 50) and one out, if you get to know which is in your hand, you win my 100 €! If you lose, you should not pay. Honest, right? The magician puts two tickets as I said in spring and one for him: the € 20 bill clearly. A magical gesture, and in a split second the ticket 20 has just been transformed into 50 note! The spectator opens his hand and finds his ticket 20 €! The magician shows the ticket 100, unfortunately lost by the viewer.
All tickets are left for consideration ... then placed in the portfolio showed empty beforehand. And it's not over! While the portfolio is closed and put on the table, the magician "virtually" nothing happens of a ticket which produced the ticket 50 € portfolio has apparently arrived in the fingers of the magician! The same ticket is transformed in turn into ticket € 100. It is to doubt his understanding! Finally note that 100 turns into ticket € 200. Yes you read correctly: 200 €.
Oh no, it is still not finished! The ticket 200 is placed in the portfolio that also contains a 100 ticket and a ticket for 50 €. The magician gives the spectator his portfolio, by speaking of the miracle of transposition of the ticket 50 € ... just now. He asked him to open his own portfolio and as we come to speak of ticket 50, a rain of € 50 tickets out of the portfolio. Incredible! While the portfolio has been shown repeatedly vacuum ... The portfolio is left to the review ... You have to see it to believe it!
The tour comes with no tickets. Your imagination will replace the big ticket by small values or other papers, of course!
Good magic with this very original.
No handling required for this miracle. A versatile tool with endless possibilities.
"The routine of tickets this Duvivier's DVD" From old to new vol.1 "is a feast of entertainment with a killer climax. Do not miss. One of the best products I've seen this years. Sylvain Mirouf
"This (s) portfolio (s) is for me the best version of the portfolio" rigged " 'that exists .... Extremely versatile and great practice, the possibilities with this device are" endless. "A purchase without any moderation .. . Mathieu Bich