$ 460.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician shows a...
$ 805.00
This book is the ultimate consumer's guide to packet tricks. As such, it can save you both time and money....
$ 1,265.00
Nick Trost is well known for his simple, easy-to-do card magic. He uses subtle moves and principles rather than difficult...
$ 920.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectA borrowed ring or coin will appear inside a nest of boxes.In...
$ 345.00
Stranger's Gallery by John Bannon John Bannon's incredible color-changing deck routine has become a modern-day classic, and once you've seen...
$ 1,380.00
EffectTwo coins are shown - a quarter dollar and a euro coin. The magician takes the quarter dollar and puts...
$ 644.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician shows a coin, then he bites the coin and removes...
$ 276.00
No matter how much you bet, you will always win.It's a double-headed coin!Use it as the closing act of a...
$ 1,150.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectFour Silver Half Dollar coins are borrowed from the audience and held...
$ 230.00
This is the ideal accessory for use with candle routines. This tip can be used as a gag or combined...
$ 828.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. Effect Four borrowed coins travel, one by one, from the left hand...
$ 1,104.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectA coin is showed. The coin is placed in the top of...
$ 92.00
These king-sized thumb tips are realistically designed by Vernet for all your magical routines.
$ 1,148.85
Back in Print! Why is it that some magicians get great audience reaction while others who are just as skillful...
$ 920.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. You can use the Super Expanded Shell to improve any routine where...
$ 460.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectWhile holding one coin between thumb and finger another coin is carefully...
$ 1,196.00
A large bowl full of water is shown, then emptied completely into a bucket. The bowl is then set down...
$ 345.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectNo matter how much you bet, you will always win. Make your...
$ 1,610.00
Fresh And Practical!1999 recipient of the Psychic Entertainers Association award for creativity, and with over fifty years of professional performance...
$ 736.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not...
$ 460.00
EFFECT: You slide a picture of Super Frog wearing his bright red cape into an envelope and hand it to...
$ 368.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectA coin disappears from the magician's hands and reappears in the spectator's...
$ 115.00
The magician places an ordinary match onto the back of a playing card. When he bends the card down the...
$ 216.20
Easy To DO!No Sleight Of Hand Required!An amazing deck of Bicycle cards that allows you to do a multitude of...
$ 368.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician takes a...
$ 276.00
No matter how much you bet, you will always win.It's a double-headed coin!Use it as the closing act of a...
$ 828.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectA coin passes through a note/bill borrowed from a member of the...
$ 1,035.00
Flipper coin 50 Euro Cents...In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango...
$ 1,035.00
Well, here we all are again, chaps and chapesses! Just when you thought it was safe to sneak back into...
$ 966.00
Effect:The magician takes a coin, places it on the back of his hand, then takes a brass stamp and places...
$ 1,794.00
EffectThe magician takes a normal coin and a empty bottle. He requests to a spectator who takes the bottle by...
$ 690.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. A classic coin trick...
$ 966.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician takes a...
$ 1,610.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectTwo coins are shown in the palm of your left hand: one...
$ 1,380.00
Over six months in the making, Whit Haydn and Chef Anton have created the perfect shells for any Three Shell...
$ 805.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectFour English Pennies are borrowed from the audience and held in the...
$ 414.00
These gimmicks are the most powerful tools a magician or mentalist can use. It's really very difficult to believe that...
$ 345.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectA borrowed coin is stretched.In this package you will find a finely...
$ 690.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. This is a stack of four U.S. quarters joined together by a...
$ 1,173.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician shows two coins, places them both in one hand. With...
$ 201.25
All the information you need to convert your original Trilogy to the NEW hard-hitting Streamline version.
$ 862.50
Your browser does not support the video tag. EFFECT: Four 50 cent Euro coins are borrowed from the audience and held...
$ 667.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectPerformer takes a coin and places it on the table. Then with...
$ 345.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician shows a coin, then he bites the coin and removes...
$ 274.85
The magician eats a few bits of colored tissue. He then pulls out a 25-foot long chain of colored tissue...
$ 253.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe Magician bends a borrowed coin. Really Incredible.In this package you will...
$ 182.85
Easy To DO!No Sleight Of Hand Required!An amazing deck of Bicycle cards that allows you to do a multitude of...
$ 1,863.00
Your browser does not support the video tag. EffectThe magician shows two coins, places them both in one hand. With...